Interesting story Rad. When I first started with Pacu, I expected them to be vegie only because of the various research I had read...but they are opportunistic feeders. They have to be to sustain their unequaled growth rates. I'd be willing to bet that the Tipaia in question was injured by a poacher or something else and the Pacu were taking advantage of it and just finished it off.

Like Bobad, my Pacu have played havoc with light line BG fly fishing. They are a blast! I'm guessing that my "A" team Pacu are now about 6 pounds, but I haven't landed one in awhile....hooked but not landed. In another month or so, I'll start a deliberate effort to catch the larger Pacu and move them into the hot tub for their winter vacation. I also plan to scale up the numbers next year with many more grown out and ready for stocking along with Tilapia.

Just like Bobad says, the Pacu have become the star fish around here. I'm still looking for any bad characteristics as a pond fish, but as yet haven't found anything really bad...but still looking. I guess breaking all my light lines might be considered a bad characteristic..but its one I can live with.