
We've been getting rain up the wahzoo here in northern Indiana for the past several days. Measured 7 1/2 inches in my wheel burrow (although the neighbor says her rain guage showed only 4 1/2 inches) after an all night rain and some gully washers a few days ago. Since then at least one, up to two lines of thunderstorms coming through mainly at night every day. Had two cordless phones fried by lightning several days ago. Lightning was so close and bright I thought my florescent lights n the shop had blown up. Saw something I've never seen before that first day of heavy rain. Down the road is a 1 acre pond in front of the local high school. It was overflowing it's banks. No emergency overflow on that pond.

At least I'm near the top of a hill on my property and the worst I have to show for it is a small mudslide on the steep side of on the back of my trout pond, which I should be able to repair. Parts of Ohio east of me is a disaster. I hear part of Minnesota got over 15 inches of rain! What really ticked me was the national news at the same time was focused on the hurricane in Mexico! Lots of suffering and damage here in the U.S.!

Last edited by Cecil Baird1; 08/24/07 05:28 AM.

If pigs could fly bacon would be harder to come by and there would be a lot of damaged trees.