Ewest, you know I came up with the same idea. I was goin' nuts trying to figure out a way I could get some scuds this spring. I thought about my existing BG pond. Was laying in bed last night trying to figure this out when I thought about perhaps netting off an area. I couldn't figure out what size netting and then I figured perhaps just netting small enough to keep fish out but let the scuds wander around so that some become fish food. Then the fish can't eat them all. That's what you must have had in mind. I've got a small bay at the end of my pond with much vegetation around the edges and a mostly sunken island in the middle. It would be very easy to net off the whole bay since it only has a narrow channel connecting it to pond. Any ideas about how I could get all the fish out before closing it off? The bay is about 100 feet across with a 15 foot wide channel. One problem is that I cannot net this off until ice out and the scuds only available during the winter. Any ideas? My new pond is going to be a cool experiment too when I'm ready to put them in.
Bill, curious whether you just happened to call PLM again or did he finally get back to you from an old message? He was emphatic that he returns all his calls and had no explanation why so many went unanswered. Good luck growing the scuds. Let is know when they arrive and how it goes introducing them.

Gotta get back to fishin!