Headed to the airport in an hour. St. Louis, Mo. Dr. Gordon Ballam, lead nutritionist at Purina Mills, Inc., wants an audience. He has several things on the agenda, number one is a television show about pond management. The second is to talk about the Pond Boss conference.
My agenda is the conference, and to talk about fish food, and prepare for the television show.
Back home tomorrow night. Will let you know what happens.
Spent a few minutes at Lusk Lodge, Two this morning. Coming along, still four weeks, maybe more, out. Looks great.
Worked on the speaker program early this morning, it is exciting, to say the least.
Cabela's plans to have a booth at the conference. More news, as it develops.
Got all remaining elements to Jim Stroud this weekend for the construction book.
March/April PB is finished and headed to layout. Maybe, just maybe, it will be mailed early...if not, at least on time.

Teach a man to grow fish...
He can teach to catch fish...