Originally posted by Jeff F.:
While it is common place on this board, I have never seen a pond in my area with HSB. Since there is no reproduction and they will eat pellets, I am considering an all HSB pond and just loading them up and keeping 100% caught in the summer...then re-stock each fall the number of fish harvested...I could keep it fun on ultralights and light fly rods....just a thought.
Jeff, I like your idea of an all HSB pond.
I like non-reproductive species.
Ditto for same sex BG and LMB pond.

Have I missed where your ponds are located?
I have gained much HSB and CNBG experience and knowledge from my PB forum friends that I will be happy to share.
Send a PM if if you wish?

George Glazener

N.E. Texas 2 acre and 1/4 acre ponds
Original george #173 (22 June 2002)