...and a half dozen Peterson design cedar Bluebird houses.

Yeah, I broke down and paid for the cedar. No regrets. After putting more time into priming and painting the WD boxes and the Bathouse than it took to build 'em, I decided to experiment with the right wood for the job. Polyurethane glue and galv finish nails outta the Porter Cable nail-gun...cake. Actually, I spent more time altering the construction details to eliminate use of 2 x 4 stock as a frame, building them entirely out of 1 x stock. The original plans are a stock pattern and design with field-tested performance. I swiped my copy from the USGS website .
Next step is installation. I'm thinkin' about using 1" conduit with the same predator guard I used on the WD boxes. We'll see...a little time to think whilst I wait for the thaw.