Hey Brettski,

I'm suprised at the size of the boxes. I have never built any myself, but I've seen them all over the California Delta and Marsh areas. It's been quite a few years, but I thought they were about half the size of yours. I'm gonna read up on the links you provided, but can you explain in more detail why you chose your materials and sizes?

Why pine over plywood?

Do the birds land at the hole? I don't get how they get into the box. It could be that I'm thinking bird houses for song birds and have a mental block.

I have a creek along my boundry that is full of wood ducks. We kick up a pair or two pair all winter long every couple of hundred feet while walking along the creek. I'd love to put some boxes out and have even more of them!!!!

Bat boxes too. Are you going to build any of them? I have small brown bats around my small pond all the time and it's fun to watch them feed. I've read that they are great at eating allot of mesquitos, so the more bats I can have, the more they will eat!!!!!


Lake Marabou http://www.pondboss.com/forums/ubbthreads.php?ubb=showflat&Number=139488&fpart=1

It's not how many ideas you have, but how many you make happen.

3/4 and 4 acre ponds.