I would be worried that one or two decent sized bass have survived and would wreck my restocking. So I would partially drain and rotenone ASAP to be safe.

Also, as you have probably discovered from reading here, your individual goals determine what and how many you should stock. However, to take a stab at it based on what it sounds like you want, I'd do something like this:

200 HBG
200 BG
100 CNBG
100 RE
2-3 lbs FH
30-50 LMB
50-150 CC

With the CCs the higher end is better if you plan on catching and eating quite a few quickly.
With fatheads you don't need many on a new stocking since they will multiply like crazy before the predators get big enough to eat them. I had them everywhere the first spring.
I would also consider a few HSB for fun.