As you know from my recent post I have restocked my pond after our massive fish kill last summer. I have spent a lot of time and MONEY installing aeration, purchasing fish, landscaping the whole gambit of being a pondaholic. I have tried very hard to not make the mistakes of the past and my pond shows all of the knowledge that has been shared and learned here. My HBS are about 14 inches and my LMB are around 12 inches and feed trained. I have some big CC from two summers ago that made it through the fish kill that are around 24 inches. I just restocked adult BG that were beautiful. I have been so tempted to fish in my pond but I wanted to wait until fall and fish it one evening with my family. I have been babying my fish especially the HBS.
Today my wife comes home from church and she and there is a truck parked down by the pond. She walks down and there is an acquaintance of ours with his two grandsons burning our HBS and bass up with worms and hooks with bobbers. He quickly states that he has released everything and had caught some huge cat fish. My wife looks on the pond edge and she counts 5 HBS belly up but still alive. She also sees 1 of the kids rip a deep hook out of LMB and toss it back.

I HAVE NEVER allowed this man to fish. He just assumed he could………..his exact words to me on the phone were what’s the big deal just relax all we were doing is catching and releasing your fish we didn’t hurt anything. I am mad as hell! I just do not understand what goes through peoples mind! He did tell me how lucky I am to have a pond and it looks beautiful! I AM LUCKY BUT I HAVE WORKED MY BUTT OFF TO PAY FOR IT AND I HAVE EARNED THE RIGHT TO KEEP IT PRIVATE .

shoot'em in the lipps