After a couple of growing seasons, those 200 HSB per acre would be about 400 pounds of HSB per acre and after three years, could be approaching 800 pounds per acre, assuming none/few are removed.

ML, I believe we have discussed this subject both on the forum and by email.

A HSB survival rate that you suggest for your pond seems to be an unlikely asssmption that “non/few” are removed.

“It depends” on how many fish are harvested from a “put and take” HSB pond, and how many are lost to “catch and release”.

By your own admission, the HSB will fight until it dies if caught on light tackle, your 5 wt flyrod if I remember correctly.

I suggest that it is good practice to use heavier tackle and bring the fish to hand quickly before release.

I don’t believe there will be an over population with the recommended beginning stocking rate and management, with appropriate supplemental annual stocking program.