You are the owner of eighty acres of rolling pasture. There's always been that old dilapidated dam that holds a little water for your horse, but lately it's been really dry in your region. Finally it's time to pull the trigger and call your buddy with the 'dozer. After spending fifty hours or so on the Pond Boss website you decide to excavate to the following dimensions.

163 feet long from overflow (east end) to far end.

77 feet wide on east side at widest point.

Approximate surface area is .15 acre.

Maximum depth is 11 feet and average depth is 5 feet.

Slopes are a steep 3:2 ratio.

Now you're pretty darn happy because you already have 110 V. power and a hydrant to supply water. You live in a dry region, so runoff really isn't going to help alot, but your wife just got done making the following declaration.

"Honey...You've been really good around the house lately. I also admire you for all of the great handiwork you do around the house. I can't hardly put into words how important you've been to this household. I think you should have a $150 dollars per month allowance to spend on whatever you'd like".

Amazed at your good fortune, ideas begin to swirl around your brain! This has to go to my dream pond, you think.

Then the unthinkable happens. After years of entering to Publishers Clearinghouse Sweepstakes, playing keno and buying lottery tickets you find a registered letter in the mail. It reads as follows:

Congratulations! You're the Grand Prize winner of BadBass pond supplies first annual super giveaway. As the Grand Prize winner you will receive $2,000 worth of pond supplies and labor on creation of your dream pond. Imagine what you can buy! You can spend your winnings on any combinations of BadBass equipment or have our staff work for you to make the best pond ever".

So there you have it. $150/month for utilities and $2,000 for supplies. What would you do with these resources. You can't spend any of your own money because you're flat broke from the 'dozer work. You can spend the 2K for fish, supplies, name it.

Here's some pictures of your pond. You'd like to have it up and running by next spring and ideally you'll be fishing by 2007.

Here's your power and hydrant 40 feet from the SW corner of the pond.

Here's the view from the dam.

Now looking from the west towards the dam.

Holding a redear sunfish is like running with scissors.