KC, I too think you are stocking too many GC. Just keep in mind I doubt even 200 will make a major diff this year. They are best for cropping it off as it popsup. We try to time it early in the spring just b/f stuff starts to grow. In that case you can get good control with 4-5/ac or 40-50. remember to opay more and get 10-12 nch not 8-10 inch (expensvie bass snack).

Also you are a long haul from our "trout run" hopefully you can find some in IN since that is close by. I would strongly suggest stocking GShiners next spring prior to spawning and after you have removed some of the slot bass. I think you will get more bang for your buck b/c I know they are not cheap. What size you proposing to stock?

I understand if you already placed orders I hate it when folks cancel but that is my 2 cents. Good luck sounds like you're on the road to some good fishing in the future.

Greg Grimes