I built a one acre pond in 2002 with steep sides when it started to rain i ask the ok. fish hatchery in durant when i could put in BG & fatheads they told me any time i had a foot or more of water and not to worrie about grass or feed as it would come in with insects and grass would start soon enough. i had 3 ft of waterdepth an put in 4 pounds of fatheads and 2 pounds of blugill, did not rain water went down no oxy just silt. when it did rain i had erosion and a thick mud hole killed everything. lesson learned i will not put any thing in my next pond untill over half full then minnows later BG with a feeder and bass an channel cat about six months or more after that. had to clean out fist pond then fertilize and seed now it is cloudy but fish are doing very good.