Hey Buzz...
since you're fishin' for opinions, I will share my posture wrt
would a wind farm in the area but not on the land you were considering purchasing be a turnoff to buy?
I spent alot of time searching for the right pc of small acreage here in the midwest. My goals were secluded, quiet, and pastoral. Active RR trax and hi tension wires/towers squashed any appeal. I occassionally found gorgeous wooded properties at fair prices (hard to believe in this area), only to find an eyesore that likely explained why it hadn't already been snapped up. I remember the absolutely perfect, pond-able 40 ac that got nix'd because of the radio tower less than 1/4 mile away. These were MY parameters, tho. Somebody must care less about these kinda things because they all eventually sell. Like mentioned in previous posts, depends on what your lookin' for.