I need some of ya'll to play devil's advocate for me. We have a ranch in North Tx with multiple(9) ponds and 2 lakes. Our land values have increased dramatically over the last 5-7 years. It has been a very good investment with great enjoyment. Here is my dilemma. I am concerned with not having income off of it for future generations so it could possibly stay w/in the family. I have many ideas and that is not what I'm asking about in this thread. Specifically we have been approached by a wind generation company to put wind generators on our land. Approximately 20+ stories tall on some barren land we do not use at the north end of our ranch. Income could be 25,000-60,000/ year to us. Possibly more over the years. We would be able to see them from the house but it would be more than 3/4 of a mile away. In your opinion does this hurt or help the value of the land. Just a note if we do not do it will still happen on someone else's land so they will be quite prominent in our area. Again it takes up no cover and is on land that we never use. Give me your thoughts.

Thanks, Buzz