Originally posted by Robinson:
Originally posted by Meadowlark:

Ok...this is a little "zen" like, but your pond will reach that spillway and water will go over it for the first time only once....for me that was a moment to cherish and always remember.
Meadowlark, I'm certain that the most macho of the macho here, the men's men, and there are many here I'm certain, will be understanding if any male pond/lake owner sits down and weeps with tears of joy upon watching what you have described.

This is the common bond most of us share here, despite all other differences, adn it is a strong one.
the first time is the best, moreover, in my neck of the woods (and i'm sure TX too) after a long hot summer and devastating losses, it has become an annual event to cherish the first passing of water over the spillway and a return to full pool

return to full pool

eddie, may you and family enjoy many decades to come of this blessed event

GSF are people too!