esshup, super happy for you after years of having to report how many FEET your pond was low that you got it filled up. What type of weather event was responsible for that? I hope you stayed away from severe weather. My son lives in NW Iowa and watched 2 twisters go by in the last few weeks fortunately without serious damage but then heard about the big F4 in Omaha and over the weekend some in Oklahoma, scary stuff the spring active weather season.

I'm thrilled to report that the pond boss forum members were correct. All it took is warm enough days (and a warm night) and the toads came. Out of nowhere Saturday evening the pond started to have some splashes and trilling and all day Sunday and last night they were very much in full force making toad baby strands. Encouraging to see it all happen again and to see what seemed like 200 or more American Toads come out of nowhere and all meet again at the same spot.

The new variable this year will be to see if our Pekin duck will eat the toad eggs. We had a pair but sadly about 2 weeks ago one was found dead on the bank of the pond with a pile of feathers scattered around and what looks like damage only to the middle of his neck. What type of critter would take on 2 full size ducks and only 'wring the neck' and leave them without any other markings? What is the point of killing and leaving them?

it was sad for the kids as the ducks were inseparable (male/female) for the last year and bravely sat out on the edge of the pond through some brutal snow/wind events earlier. They have been a fabulous addition to the pond and the neighbors love watching them as they drive through the neighborhood. The neighbors were extending their condolances which was mighty kind of them. We have 3 new ducks just getting past the fuzz and growing some white feathers for a brother in law who wants his pond to benefit from them and then we may try to start another pair to help join our lonely mama duck.

A mallard pair stopped by a few times. I missed my chance to earlier to rehab and set up my mallard 'tube' nest but since they were hanging out the last few days I got busy repairing it, unrolling it, remove old straw, rolling in the new straw and mounting it out in the pond. Who knows maybe a late clutch of eggs will still go in the mallard tube.

Saw only one wood duck pair rest on the shore and paddle around for one day and they were gone. I gave up setting up the wood duck houses as we have had no takers in more than 3 years.

next task is to plan for SFS habitat and spawning structures. I'm going to experiment with some type of enclosure that they may be able to enter that would help me capture/seine out the young ones at will.

Sadly my 25 pickerel weed plants that I planted on two sides of the pond didn't seem to survive, (I assume by now I should see new growth coming out of the ground from the bulbs) I'll likely try again since I would think they would do fairly well around our pond based on reports of others doing well with them in northern ponds.