
Sorry for the late reply. I haven't logged in for a while. After giving it some time, with as little of rain that we have had over the last couple years here in Nebraska, it is hard to say how much of an improvement all the work we did accomplished. The pond has filled up to have the bottom almost all the way filed up and is probably 4 feet deep or so in the deepest part. It still seems like it reaches a similar level that it did before and plateaus there. Like I said before, we have been in pretty severe drought conditions in our area and in the last couple years you can probably count the decent rains/snows on two hands. I do have a batch of polymer to put down but I have been waiting for the level to get higher before I put it in. I still have a couple hundred pounds of bentonite clay that I have been throwing out there and this spring I started doing some bentonite slurry injections in an attempt to slow down any seepage so the water level will continue to rise. I am also exploring trying to figure out a way to get more water flow into the pond as right now my solar well will only put out about 5 gpm when the sun is shining.

It has been a bit of a let down. I thought the all the work we did would really do the trick but at this point I am reluctant to claim success. As of right now it is still just a mud pit that I burn money in...