No real progress on moving water from the reservoir to the big pond. I did a test run with my 5hp HP pump and it works fine. The biggest downside is the reservoir has been filled for 2 months, but won't clear with the exposed hillside around it.

I haven't seen this much dry dirt since 2nd repair after it rose to its highest level in January of 2022. I'm reconsidering starting over (drain, remove all structure minus the dock) and install a liner. It's a $120k eyesore in its current state.

For anyone looking to build a pond and want to know what a worst-case scenario looks like, feel free to reach out.

#1 Learn for yourself how good ponds are built before writing the first check
#2 Verify the excavation company, jobs completed, and references
#3 Have the time to watch the excavation and ask questions (no one knows everything)
#4 Set up a timelapse camera to record the job
#5 No clay, no water
#6 Synthetic additives for poor soil or construction are not a fix.