Top 75 fish average length was 5.22 inches and 60 grams. That's an average Wr of 129.

Next 75 bluegill average length is 4.32 inches and 34 grams. That's an average Wr of 137.

Biggest fish was 5.75 inches and 80 grams which is a Wr of 126.

These results could be a little biased because I only sample what look like 10 representative fish from each tank, every time I take readings. Also I'm not sure about the biggest fish because the bubbles from the aerator make it a little hard to see each time.

Interestingly, it seems like the warmer water, which has crept up near 59 degrees has made the fish go through a sort of puberty. They've kind of taken off in length, but they're a little more streamlined looking.

Holding a redear sunfish is like running with scissors.