tractor boy---i am looking at building a pond in middle ga.---i have spoken with 2 offices of the nrcs---both told me they were out of the pond building business unless it was an irrigation pond. i have the feeling it is a question of who you know and if you can get someone to put pressure on them to help you. i also got the impression if you pushed those nrcs folks in mid-ga area that there was a little intimidation factor there such as "we have all the rules and guidelines so you'd best not mess with us or we'll make your life really difficult" attitude. politics and ponds, eggs and issues in georgia i'm afraid. good luck---one of the contractors i am going to get to bid on my pond is going to scratch an outline for a pond, shoot some elevations and cut some test holes for me next week. i plan on getting 3 bids and see where to go from there. good luck on yours