Do we need a new abbreviation for Alligator-Channel Cat? Or maybe we just call them Hybrid Channel Cat (HCC)?

When I first read I thought they were truly trying to merge the two species kind of like crossing a Great Dane with a Shitz-yoo and getting some odd fish with a alligator tail.. But after reading it looks like they are just trying to plant less antibiotic resistance or better 'vigor' against infection if that is possible. Actually I don't think the article mentioned what strain catfish they hoped to add the gene to.

The article mentions catfish farming as a big way to feed humans. Again this might be unique to where we live in the upper Midwest but 'no one' regularly eats catfish around here. I guess if they find a way to put catfish into animal food we might eat it indirectly, or maybe they can add it to Taco Bell fish tacos or McDonald's fish sandwiches and then we would be eating it and not realizing it?

Genetic modified catfish