Originally Posted by Sunil
Originally Posted by TX Chris
Originally Posted by Sunil
On the bright side, you're starting to compile accurate information!!

What is the water source for any/all of the ponds? I recall reading that the 1st fed the 2nd, and the 2nd fed the third.

The availability of water to refill any of the ponds should help educate whether or not to fully drain some or all of them.

Just local runoff. No major creek flowing through or anything. Each pond was quite low when we bought the property but now, maybe 7 weeks later, two are overflowing their banks and the third is as full as it can get due to the breaches in the dam letting water through.

That's great that you're at the capacity of the ponds considering the condition of the individual dams. However, many other Pond Bossers from Texas were lamenting about lack of water for quite some time leading up to the second half of 2022.

There are options to kill off existing fish without fully draining ponds. Perhaps there's a low water level that you could attain that would still allow you to rework the damns.

I need to determine the depth of each pond. My main concern is that the large pond is sufficiently deep and I would like the middle pond to be deep enough to be manageable for either a bait pond or game fish. The northernmost pond is the shallowest and I'm fine if it lives life as a livestock watering hole. Though the one downside to that function is that it drains into the other two ponds in overflow situations.

If I determine that either of the two lower ponds aren't very deep, I'll likely drain and rework them if it's not financially prohibitive.