Bill I have thought for years that the Ark CNBG is a multi-generation adaptation of Fla CNBG. The Fla CNBG were brought to Ark by hatcheries around 20 years ago and have adapted to the cold a little. Who knows what other adaptations have occurred.

There are threads here on the subject.;Board=20&main=6791&type=thread

Here is some more from previous threads

Vol. 28, No. 1, Mar., 1974
Biochemical Genetics...
Biochemical Genetics of Sunfish. I. Geographic Variation and Subspecific Intergradation in the Bluegill, Lepomis macrochirus
John C. Avise and Michael H. Smith
Vol. 28, No. 1 (Mar., 1974), pp. 42-56

Electrophoretic variation in proteins encoded by 15 genetic loci was analyzed in 2415 bluegill (Lepomis macrochirus) repsenting 47 populations from 7 Southern states. Populations from the Florida peninsula and southeastern Georgia (L. m. purpurescens) {CNBG} differ in allelic composition at several loci from populations in central and western Georgia west to Texas (L. m. macrochirus) { regular BG}, yielding coefficients of genetic similarity below the range generally found for continuously distributed conspecific populations in other vertebrates, but quite comparable to previous reports for various semispecies pairs. Populations of L. m. purpurescens are essentially monomorphic for Es-3100 and Got-258, while populations of L. m. macrochirus are segregating for Es-396 and Es-392, and are fixed for Got-2100. Within several river drainages in South Carolina and eastern Georgia, bluegill populations are segregating for all of these alleles. In particular, a highly significant correlation between frequencies of Got-258 and Es-3100 indicates that the two subspecies are intergrading in a wide zone of overlap. A closer examination of genotypic class proportions of a large population of bluegill from the intergrade zone confirms that the two subspecies are backcrossing and are apparently fully interfertile {able to interbreed with other species or subspecies and produce viable offspring}. Degrees of introgression appear equal for alleles at these loci. The high correlation in population allele frequencies across loci is compatable with the hypothesis that the alleles are behaving as neutral markers of intergradation. However, mildly significant deviations from expected genotypic proportions may indicate influences of selection. The pattern of intergradation evidences a secondary meeting of allopatrically evolved races. Since populations of pure L. m. purpurescens are largely confined to the Florida peninsula, it is likely that Pleistocene rises in sea level were important in their original isolation from L. m. macrochirus. Populations of bluegill within reservoirs are generally homogeneous for frequencies of common alleles at polymorphic loci. However, there is significant heterogeneity in allele frequencies between reservoirs within any drainage system. The magnitude of this variance is greatest in the intergrade populations within the Savannah River basin, and is far less in 'pure' samples of L. m. macrochirus. The bluegills examined may be characterized by three areas of relative regional uniformity, in which genetic differences within a drainage system are probably as great as those between drainage systems: 1) the Florida populations of L. m. purpurescens 2) the intergrade populations and 3) populations of L. m. macrochirus.

All Colored text my notes or edits.

Last edited by ewest; 09/28/22 01:38 PM.