Originally Posted by FishinRod
That is a good looking pond with a little surrounding forest!

Can you easily lower the water level in the pond? If so, one option would be to pull the water level down about 2-3 feet and then throw out some plywood so you can work at your mud crossing. That would enable you to do a more traditional bridge with posts throughout the span.
Here is a link to Rusto's pond projects.

Thanks FishinRod. I just cleared all of the brush and trees in that area for access. I've planned this for years and finally getting started.
I did study Rusto's bridge as well as the rest of that link. I wish I had the shoreline like he has, and the excavator!
I could lower the water level, as you suggested, if I rent a pump but I don't have any kind of machinery to drive poles in the mud like Rusto has. So I'm leaning towards the floated bridge. We can build it in 2 sections and drag it into place after a good rain.
But I am still VERY open to ideas.