Congratulations on such a nice body of water. Truly, it's a lake and not a pond.

The larger size means more effort and planning to achieve desired results.

The presence of Northern Pike presents some challenges to achieving your goals as they will eat out certain sizes of fish that may be desirable for you towards your goals.

Any kind of fish you stock will have probably lower survival rates due to the presences of many different predator fish.

Here's some working thoughts:

1) Determine and implement a LMB culling program, whether it's a slot limit, or size limit, as you are already doing. I might stay with a slot limit, or Weight Relative limit.

2) Remove any and all Northern Pike caught.

3) Implement a feeding program to help bluegill and other forage fish survive.

4) Do some structure placement/enhancement in areas where you are planning to feed.

5) Use Electroshocking a few times a year as a diagnostic tool and a selective culling tool.

6) Try some trapping to see if that can be used also as a diagnostic tool and a culling tool. although you may not catch fish that you want to cull. If you had bullheads, I might cull those, but I think Northern Pike may keep bullhead populations down.

Again, these are just some thoughts for discussion.

Excerpt from Robert Crais' "The Monkey's Raincoat:"
"She took another microscopic bite of her sandwich, then pushed it away. Maybe she absorbed nutrients from her surroundings."