Originally Posted by FishinRod
Originally Posted by esshup
I have trail cam video of them keeping the deer away from the food.

Thanks for the confirmation, esshup. I only run pics, but have seen many shots where it appeared that raccoons were keeping does away from the feed. I also have pics where it appeared that a buck arrived and was driving off the raccoons.

Judging by their girth, the raccoons are eating a significant portion of my feed. I have checked my state's (Kansas) regulations for eliminating them by various means, but I cannot find any clear rules.

What is effective for you? Do you think you are making a significant reduction in the population to justify your effort?
Coons are classified as furbearers in KS but can be trapped, shot, destroyed by any means if in or around buildings, damaging property or otherwise problematic in nature. It is recommended that habitat be made unsuitable for them if possible. Of course they have to say that for obvious reasons but bottom line in KS Rod is if they are causing issues you can take action. Eating feed put out for deer is not considered just cause to kill them. Getting into the feeder is just cause.

Last edited by Snipe; 07/15/22 01:51 AM.