Originally Posted by jludwig
Originally Posted by catscratch
Originally Posted by jludwig
We have 40 feet of walkway to our dock. One 20 foot section is fixed to bank and fixed in height. We have a giant rod that connects the sections. The other 20 foot section along with the dock is allowed to pivot with the variations in water level.

Here's pictures: https://forums.pondboss.com/ubbthreads.php?ubb=showflat&Number=269335

Wow, that's exactly what I want to do. Right now my pivot is mounted to bank. Want to extend a solid walkway out like you did to put the pivoting section further out into the lake. Nice work!
I was just in Edmond last night and this morning...

Hit me up the next time if you are in Edmond regularly. This is only about 40 minutes away from Edmond.
Will do, but I'm not there often and when I am it's to see a buddy I grew up with. Usually have plans and no idle time.