Rod, I know that some pondmeisters stock rainbow trout, RBT, in the winter to help feed the bass after the tilapia die off. Typically the RBT are around 1/4 #, maybe six or seven inches long. Their fusiform shape is easier for LMB to eat than most other prey, especially BG. Also, RBT flesh seems to meet LMB growth needs particularly well, witness the gigantic bass that have come out of trout-stocked waters in California.

RBT grow fast on pelleted feed and put up a great leaping fight as they get large. Here in east Texas, they basically a late November thru mid May fish. I suspect you could add three weeks to both ends of that schedule.

Caveats: They aren't cheap, and they aren't always available. But when they are available & budget allows, they are a blast!