Originally Posted by Pat Williamson
I don’t have gizzard shad or regular shad , I have caught several 10#+ LMB from my 6 acre pond that was dug in 2013….I didn’t stock LMB cause I didn’t want them. Wanted crappie, stocked them and somehow they got here anyway. The BCP spawned the first year and from what I can tell that was the only time . Was catching lots of 6” BCP but the LMB have since decimated the population to where it’s hard to catch any….. wondering if that’s the reason for the large LMB. Got lots of 6-7-8# LMB also

And the Texas guys chime in!


How did the LMB get into your pond? Did they come in from your water source, or do you think they were bucket stocked?

If you don't have any neighbors that have introduced any Florida strain LMB, then do you think you have managed to raise some 10#+ northern strain?

How long after your 2013 pond start date did your LMB get to 6#? How many years to get to 10#?

I think your experience is a very encouraging data point for anthropic!

P.S. Awesome job on your lake management! (Well except for your crappie. Sorry about that.)