I was going to add this to my original thread but thought of starting a new one here related to the dam. I've lost 7" of water in 24 days and rain seasoning coming to an end, we are now in our 3rd summer without a full pond.

Last night, I drilled 6 test holes with a spud bar in the backside of my dam a couple feet below the current water line as best as I could tell. It has become clear the dam is not holding and was improperly built. The new "pond side" core trench helped and we feel that the bottom is sealed. We think there is rock (bedrock/sandstone) beneath the dam was not removed and certain the dam was not compacted in proper lifts.

We are now thinking of building a new dam, within/behind the first dam. Water is hard enough to come by so I want to do everything we can to keep what we have without pumping out.

Does anyone have experience in this type of repair?