Bill, your comments spurred me to think about the best way to use feed in a LMB/BG pond.

Given a set food budget, would it be best to focus on feeding smaller pellets to the BG, or big pellets to the LMB?

Obviously the big pellets will benefit more the LMB that eat them, but not all are feed trained. Most especially wild bred LMB may not come to the feed much. But those that eat big pellets, may ease off on BG predation, helping that population.

The small pellets help the BG that serve as LMB food, of course. Some LMB eat small pellets, too, but most of them end up in BG bellies. One pound of BG is nowhere near as nourishing bass growth as one pound of fish food, but on the other hand BG reproduce in large numbers & utilize natural resources in addition to man made.

What are your thoughts in a pond environment? Does it depend on the carrying capacity?