Originally Posted by anthropic
We have hummingbird feeders on the porch and, well, hummers would occasionally fly into the windows trying to get inside. Usually they were okay, but we didn't like it. Why did they do this when they had food outside?

I looked around and realized we had a red flower arrangement in the living room, fully in sight of the porch. Put it away, and the thumps stopped.
We FORMERLY had hummingbird feeders on the deck and porch. They were popular, but our furniture became coated with what I imagine was hummingbird pee. It was like the whole place had been sprayed with sugar water. We moved the feeders out into the yard in order to get our clean deck back!
I leave our multicolored holiday lights up year-round, and when the Hummers come around, they always make one trip along the light strings to check every yellow, red or orange bulb. It's comical!

"Live your life so that when you sing your death song, you will die like a hero who is going home with no shame to meet the Creator and your family." - Tecumseh; April 9, 1809