With the prices of diffusers, I was wanting to try to save some money by building my own.

I plan to make and use two of them to start and then maybe expand to more as needed.
My initial pump will be a Hiblow 120LL and I will be using a 1/2" hose, Tee'd off at 100' with two 50' sections going out to the two diffusers.

I was thinking I would try to make ring type diffusers using a 3/4 inch Melnor soaking hose. I will wrap them inside of an 8" tall hoop of rabbit cage wire, make them go around once or twice and then connect back to a Tee fitting. The cage will be about 12" in diameter but I can go larger or smaller if needed.

One of my main concerns is if I will get decent enough diffusion from a fine soaker hose or will the bubbling still be too large?