Hello! I'm happy to find this forum. My husband's dad built our pond in the 70s. Time goes forward, trees grow up, we're too busy to keep up on the land, but the pond was our refuge for fishing and swimming. The tree roots pushed up the culvert, and now the dam is washed out.

We have a backhoe and my husband would never hire someone. I'm trying to learn ahead of time so this doesn't happen again. He filled it with dirt and leftover concrete but it washed away. To get behind the dam, we'll have to take out a bunch of trees so it'll be a project. I think the soil is clay back there. A small creek feeds the pond and now the pond has overflowed our other creek so we can't even drive back there until it dries out and we fix that.

I tried attaching pictures and it wouldn't let me. Any thoughts are appreciated!