Just to be sure no one is confused. The protocol of using sterilized sperm and meiosis arresting technique on the first division does not induce multi-ploidy. The resulting zygote is diploid which is what occurs naturally. What is unnatural about the super-females is that they don't carry the Y gene. But when mated with normal males all offspring are of the YZ genotype and are normal females.

To be sure, one needn't worry about receiving super-females from such a supplier. They are very expensive to produce and would allow anyone who acquired them to produce all female offspring simply by mating with normal males. That's what they want to do, that is, produce 100% fingerlings of the normal diploid female genotype with normal mating of diploid parents and be the sole source of such fish.

It isn't what we don't know that gives us trouble, it's what we know that ain't so - Will Rogers