You also had this theory about WHY the pipes work. My f/up question is do you think this same theory of ice not being able to grip the pipe would apply to a PVC pipe (which also doesn't conduct or attract as much heat or sunlight) or does it have to be a metal pipe? It sounds like you won't have to add any paint either, working pretty well.

"Pipe/Buoy color: I do not think the pipe or buoy heating up is what is helping break the dome. I am pretty sure it is a mechanical advantage of sorts. I think the ice begins to lift from the aeration and it slides up the pipe. I think this movement up the pipe creates a fracture OR the ice moves enough to create a gap that allows the air to vent and that keeps the ice from lifting off the water. Since the aeration keeps the ice thin around the pipe the ice can't get a good "hold" on the pipe so it seems no risk of the ice lifting the pipes up. I can always go back and paint black if need be next year."