Azteca was talking about finding shaggy mane mushrooms, the other year I was hunting morels and found a shaggy mane mushroom growing in the end of a hollow tree but that had been cut down a year or so earlier, I had never seen anything like it, I thought it was a white rabbit stuck in a tree at first. I researched it on the world wide web and they described it as a shaggy mane or a lions mane mushroom, I sliced it and ate it, it was pretty good, not anywhere near like a morel but pretty tasty, like I always say, any mushroom is better then no mushroom.
Interesting thread here, I have never found an edible puffball, have ate quite a few shelf mushrooms when I find them fresh enough, A local farmers market peddler has Oyster mushrooms for sale a good bit in the early summer, he grows them, I love them too, but they still arent as good as the morels.

All the really good ideas I've ever had came to me while I was milking a cow.