Almost forgot, if you are finding puffballs, be sure and look for boletes, they grow in the same areas as puffballs. You have most likely seen them growing in pastures and just inside the tree line. They look just like a large hamburger bun from the top, the bottom of the cap has no gills and is porous. I have seen them all different colors, red, blue, yellow, etc. To me they taste like eggs. I always pinch them to make sure they don’t turn blue (where they are pinched) them I pinch off a little piece and taste it, if it’s bitter, (and believe me, you will know if it’s bitter) you can’t eat it, it’s not poisonous just too bitter to eat. They grow in patches and I have never found a whole patch that didn’t have a few if not all that were really bitter. There is an old saying “if it crushes blue, it’s not for you” This is another mushroom that’s really common and easy to identify, and like most edible mushrooms, very good for you….. just be sure of the identity of any mushroom before you eat em