Thank you very much.

My plan is for a single bottom diffuser aerator & hand feeding the best chow I can. Not sure where I'll land with structure. Any recommendations? I've got plenty of brush to clear & could toss in a couple smaller cedars, but not sure if that's a good idea, or even advisable. Looks like some of the DIY type stuff with buckets, pvc pipe & pex tubing would be less likely to eat all my hooks & lures?

No idea of how much to harvest the first year. Never thought about it, assuming they'd need at least one season to grow out. How quickly can a hybrid 'gill hit the 8" range & YP ~10"? I'll be stocking the largest fish I can get my hands on. It would be nice to harvest a couple of eaters the first year, just to whet the family's whistles & as a proof of concept. Once established, I'd like to be able to harvest enough for semi regular meals & the odd fish fry, so say 75-100 fish per year, if my little pond will support it. More, if possible.

Having a hard time wrapping my head around how many actual fish are represented by "x pounds of biomass/acre", so I'm really just taking semi-educated guesses based on my reading here & don't know what I'm missing or misunderstanding.