I am a relatively newbie deer hunter, but definitely want to get better at field dressing and cleaning my deer. The state keeps increasing our limits on antlerless, so we have the capacity to take a lot of deer from our property.

In addition to being an inexperienced field dresser, my back and knees are also protesting more while cleaning a deer on the ground.

Are the deer gambrels helpful in field dressing, or are they primarily for people that wish to age the meat prior to butchering?

The doe my brother harvested today had a really high fat content. He commented that she would have been "really easy to skin". We usually pay the deer processor to skin the carcass.

Do you hunters generally skin your deer, pay the processor (since they are definitely more efficient at it than I am), or decide on skinning based on the size, sex, fat content, or some other variable?

Finally, what is the most important thing you changed on your deer cleaning, between your first few deer, and where you are now?

FishinRod (and increasingly DeerHuntinRod)