There are no Spotted Bass (that I have seen) in our creek. I used to catch tons of them in the rocky creeks that are 70 miles east of our property. I don't think they exist in the big muddy rivers (and tributary creeks) out my way that run through plowed farm land. However, our creek is very clean. We are in a sandy area, and most of the rainfall is "sand filtered" before it hits the creek. I think Spots would like our micro-environment conditions. I suspect SMB would too!

Maybe the best idea is just to create the oxbow "pond" and use it for any fish that I need to cull from our farm ponds? The pond could then have a very diverse fish population. No worries about it getting out of balance, because things will necessarily change in a year or two anyway!

P.S. I recall you talking about creating a small wetland. Was that going to be Pond #5? If so, why not do a combination wetland and pond? You can make a wetland to the preferred depth of the future inhabitants, positioned where the water source comes in. It will trap some silt, and any big fish that are introduced from the creek should be able to make it over to your "pond" portion of the project.

You could then have a marsh wildlife habitat project combined with a "mystery fish" angling pond!