3 years in to my 1 acre, 8-10 ft deep pond. Clarity is good, cnbg/lmb populations are good with 3 lb bass (we are removing 10-20 lbs this year). We have American pond weed around the edges maybe 10 feet out, and then by mid summer, chara reaches the surface and maybe 1/2 the pond is not fishable. Nutrients run in from a nearby cattle pasture. I’m building up the bank plants to help with inflow, but I noticed some duckweed in a nearby swamp area. It may show up regardless of what I do, but I was wondering if duckweed might compete for nutrients with the chara in a balanced way? I’m in Oklahoma with fair wind across my pond…I like the idea of increasing biodiversity in my pond…but most duckweed comments are negative. Thoughts? Suggestions?…