I have only fished for them twice to see the size.

I think you hit the nail on the head as far as what forage is left. That has really concerned me for the past two weeks. There are thousands, I suppose, of Itty bitty fhm from successful spawns. I stopped counting generations. I'd guess 15 or 20. I seriously doubt any will make it to an adult much less spawn.

I said the fhm had all been consumed. Today I saw really small ones that couldn't have been a few days old. I may be mistaken.

It's a lot of fun to watch them chase them back and forth. They really don't stand a chance.

I'm unsure of what to do now. I think the forage base is days from being gone. My forage pond is too far down the road to help..

Trapping fhm at the lake has crossed mind. I have also entertained the idea of Creek chubs. They are by the thousands in a creek real close by. I had asked if it would be ok but, never got a definite answer. I'm afraid to put them in until one of you guys says ok.