In my opinion several factors become important for dealing with plant growth in ponds.
1, What is the main purpose and goals for the pond? Some plants and plant diversity can be very beneficial and necessary in the pond habitat and ecosystem.

2. When one has plant problems, similar to illness problems it becomes very important to what specifically is the illness or cause, so treatment is effective and efficient. In your case it is important to know the species of plants that are causing problems because different species as in illness differences are best controlled by specific treatment methods. What are your specific problem "weed' Species? AND how much is present in how big of a pond?

3.. In discussing algae there are two main types planktonic (microscopic) and filamentous (stringy hairy). I assume your problem is with the filamentous algae (FA). FA and plants compete for basically the same food = dissolved nutrients mainly nitrogen and phosphorus. The nutrient balance in the water often determines which plant is predominant and often becomes most abundant. It is usually one or the other. Planktonic algae can when abundant reduce light penetration so neither FA nor submerged plants can grow to be common. Abundance of FA and or submerged plants can create clear, high water transparency that reduce numbers/density of planktonic algae. All compete for nutrients. The winner thrives best.

4. Species and abundance of submerged rooted stemy plants can have big pros and cons depending on goals of the pond. Too many or overabundance of any plant and most anything else in life can cause problems. Moderation and balance is important.

5. Eliminating all of any one of the above 3 types of plants often results in one of the other two or both types becoming overabundant due to lack of competition and a presence of abundance of nutrients (plant foods) in the pond. Abundant nutrients is evidence why plants are growing to be overabundant in the pond - excess fertility.

6. Control of the plants can be natural or chemical or some of both depending on goals for the pond. Control method is dependent on species of plants and goals for the pond.

aka Pond Doctor & Dr. Perca Read Pond Boss Magazine -
America's Journal of Pond Management