TG, mine are definently NOT fathead minnows by that photo and OMG EWEST, I never dreamed there were so many shiners and minnows. Honestly a few years back when we first stocked FHM I don't think they had that rounded head. But...we got them from Overton's and if Todd said they were FHM then I guess they were. But...what I have now are definently some kind of shiner and for sure not big Golden shiners. Pat, I am just scooping them in a swimming pool skimmer net to get a look at them. They are all over the banks and they "school" out about 10 foot from the bank and feed on the "dust" from the feeder when it goes off. I can text pictures to someone but I can't post on this forum. Sorry. I really wish I knew for sure what I have.

Dear Alcohol, We had a deal where you would make me funnier, smarter, and a better dancer... I saw the video... We need to talk.