New observation the last several days.
I notice some larger fish utilizing pellets the last few days and the pellet attack was fast enough I couldn't confirm what it was.
Last night I got my answer.. Standing on the corner of the dock throwing a small jig into basically the exact spot numerous times, I caught a SMB every cast for 10-11 casts. Every one of those SMB were regurgitating pellets. Fish were all 8-16" and I was very pleasantly surprised by this because until now, I was unable to prove that was occurring. Very happy to see that.
Before I left I managed to latch into a nice YP-also was unloading a few pellets. 15-1/8" and 701g, so 2 ozs over state record on YP.
I've been trapping with Z traps, running them before sunset and again around 8am. I'm pulling about 50 1-3" BG out everyday and moving 20-25 YP 3-6" every day also..