Something to consider...What is the elevation difference between full pool and where you would put the irrigation bibb? That distance will be what gives you the water pressure, hence water flow. eg. 10 foot elevation difference would give you just over 4 psi. That's not much, double it (20 foot - 8.6 psi) and it is still a very low pressure/flow. Assuming you would want to water the back side of the dam higher than the will lose gradually pressure/flow the further above the bibb that you go until you reach the full pool elevation and flow stops.

My house well system runs about 30-40 psi and can run one of those Impact Sprinklers MOST of the time. Let the washing machine kick on and the sprinkler can stop clicking and it will hang up and just spray the water in one direction. It might start back up after the washing machine shuts off, maybe not...That's at 30-40 psi. 10 psi is not going to run a sprinkler well, if at all.

Fish on!,