I recently laid topsoil down and planted winter rye grass on my steep watershed banks of 2 acre pond. The ryegrass achieved 12-18 inch in height and actually went to seed. It is dying now and turning brown and laying over. I'm getting ready to mow it down and plant bermuda grass seed. I was told to mow blowing grass TOWARDS the ponds edge I guess so maybe some seed would grow? If it is winter rye I don't see where it would matter? It did it's job and stopped erosion on that new topsoil and my pond cleared to 18 inch visibility. Please advise what I should do in preperation to spread bermuda seed in this area. I assume I need to cut this rye down as low as I can.

Dear Alcohol, We had a deal where you would make me funnier, smarter, and a better dancer... I saw the video... We need to talk.