Wow. Thanks for analysis!

I strongly suspect that my sampling was biased towards smaller fish with small minnows and bobbers being predominant on one section accessible to kid-friendly shore fishing. Regardless, I'll pause the cull and continue to fish and record catch.

I did not weigh anything under 10 inches as the RW chart did not include, but should have in hindsight.

In case it helps, below is a more detailed breakdown of what I did capture:

Length Count
6-6.9" 4
7-7.9" 13
8-8.9" 10
9-9.9" 15
10'+ 9 (see weights below)

10" 6.75oz 85
10" 6.75 85
10" 6.4 80
10" 6.4 80
10.25" 7.4 90
10.5" 7.75 75
10.5" 7.5 75
13" 15.0 80
14" 15.0 <75